Our Brand Assets

How lucky we are you want to use our logo!

You can use our logo on your website or with other press related content. Please make sure to follow the directions below.

Horizontal svarmony logo (primary logo)

Our horizontal logo is the primary one to use. Please keep in mind that the clear space around the logo should always be left blank.

Vertical svarmony logo (secondary logo)

The vertical logo version is the secondary logo. It can be used whenever the horizontal logo is interfering with the format or when it is more visually pleasing, for example in a very narrow format. Please keep in mind that the clear space around the logo should always be left blank.

Horizontal aryve logo (primary logo)

Our horizontal logo is the primary one to use. Please keep in mind that the clear space around the logo should always be left blank.

Vertical aryve logo (secondary logo)

The vertical logo version is the secondary logo. It can be used whenever the horizontal logo is interfering with the format or when it is more visually pleasing, for example in a very narrow format. Please keep in mind that the clear space around the logo should always be left blank.